Social innovation

Activities in the sphere of social entrepreneurship are realized by a team led by Kateřina Čihařová. These activities include:

  • Within Domus Vitae, a non-for-profit organization, the operation of a social enterprise and a community centre aimed at expanding the area for the active life of seniors.
  • Participation in projects to support social entrepreneurship and foundation of social enterprises funded by ESIF (mainly OP PPG), Horizon2020 or Interreg.
  • Assessing of the business plan to set up a social enterprise.
  • Elaboration of a feasibility study for a given product or service.
  • Coaching when establishing a social enterprise and supervision of its further development.


Social Innovation Project

DOMUS VITAE – The Living House is a social innovation project aimed at turning a neglected railway watch-house located at picturesque milieu of Prague Stromovka park into a centre for active seniors.

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